A Message from Plastic Free July®

Back in 2020 when we were working on the Plastic-free Biennale project for NIRIN, a group of us met with Rebecca Prince Ruiz, the founder of Plastic Free July®. Amber Jones made a podcast from that conversation, which you can listen to here. We’ve stayed in touch with Rebecca, and she has kindly recorded a …

Announcing Plastic-free Kandos!

After a short pandemicky hiatus, the team that brought you Plastic-free Biennale is back! We’re taking the show to WAYOUT artspace in Kandos, with an expanded crew. Collaborating on the new Plastic-free Kandos project are the following legends: Juundaal Strang-Yettica, Rox De Luca, Amber Jones, Kim Williams, Lucas Ihlein, and Lilli Rodriguez-Pang. The exhibition includes …